Articles, Book Chapters, and other Publications
eScholarship Open Access Articles
Holmes, S. M., & Jenks, A. C. (2024). Paul Edward Farmer (1959–2022). American Anthropologist.
Rekhis, M. and Holmes, S.M. (2024). The worlds of public health, anthropological excursions By Didier Fassin, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 2023. 274 pp.. Med. Anthropol. Q..
Mair, L., Holmes SM, Jäger M, Holmberg C, Führer A. (2024). “Strukturelle Kompetenz im Klinikalltag: Wie Gesellschaft Krankheit und Gesundheit beeinflusst.” Deutsches Ärzteblatt International. 121 (18): 1186-1193.
Campbell, S, Godboldt AD, Hjalmarson E, Holmes SM, Hodžić S, Raheja N, Rodriguez Solis G, Shankar A and Shaw JE. (2024). “Borders, Labor, and Beyond: Collective Reflections on Harsha Walia's Writing, Activism, and Influence on the Anthropology of Work.” Anthropology of Work Review 45 (1): 39–54.
Gómez, W., Organista, K. C., Sacks, T. K., Holmes, S. M., & Carrico, A. W. (2024). “Narratives of Disconnection: A Life Course Perspective of Methamphetamine Use Among Sexual Minority Men Living with HIV.” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-11.
Holmes, S. M. (2024). “Migration et exploitation des travailleur· se· s agricoles aujourd’hui. De l’importance de relier les enjeux de racialisation, migrations et santé.” Anthropologie & Santé. Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la santé, (28).
Piñones-Rivera, C., Holmes, S. M., Morse M, Ferrall J, Nambiar K, Martinez-Hernaez A. (2024). “Structural Competency in Global Perspective.” Global Public Health. 19:1.
Sarradon-Eck A, A Mathiot, Holmes SM, Gilbert E, Capodano G, Proux A. (2023). “The Moral Dimensions of Family Caregiving for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Qualitative Study.” European Journal of Cancer Care. 13:2: 22-34.
Harvey, M., Piñones-Rivera, C., and Holmes, S. M. (2023). “Structural competency, Latin American social medicine, and collective health: Exploring shared lessons through the work of Jaime Breilh”. Global Public Health, 18(1), 2220023.
Holmes, SM. (2023). “Learning Language, Un/Learning Empathy in Medical School.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry: 1-25.
Holmes, S.M., and Queirós, J. (2023). “Para que possamos comer a fruta e os legumes que nos tornam saudáveis, os corpos dos trabalhadores agrícolas migrantes são danificados e a sua saúde é-lhes retirada”. Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto: 45.
Holmes SM. (2023). “Acidentes e lesões de trabalhadores agrícolas migrantes: temporalidade, representaçao, estatística, acontecimentos.” Sociologia.Vol. XLV: 155-182. *Portuguese translation of: Holmes, SM. “Migrant farmworker injury: temporality, statistical representation, eventfulness.” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1): 237-247.
Bendixsen CG, Ramos AK, Holmes SM. (2023). “Structural Competency and Agricultural Health and Safety: An Opportunity to Foster Equity within Agriculture.” Journal of Agromedicine 28(1): 45-52.
Piñones-Rivera C, Martinez-Hernaez A, Morse ME, Nambiar K, Ferrall J, Holmes SM. (2023). “Global Social Medicine for an Equitable and Just Future.” Health and Human Rights Journal. 25(1): 1-8.
Harvey M., Piñones-Rivera C., Holmes SM. (2022). “Thinking with and Against the Social Determinants of Health: The Latin American Social Medicine (Collective Health) Critique from Jaime Breilh.” International Journal of Health Services.
Piñones-Rivera C., Liberona N., Henríquez WM., Holmes SM. (2022). “Ideological assumptions of Chile’s international migrant healthcare policy: A critical discourse analysis.” Global Public Health.
Calderón-Villarreal, A., Terry, B., Friedman, J., González-Olachea, S. A., Chavez, A., Díaz López, M., Pacheco Bufanda, L., Martinez, C., Medina Ponce, S. E., Cázares-Adame, R., Rochin Bochm, P. F., Kayser, G., Strathdee, S. A., Muñoz Meléndez, G., Holmes, S. M., Bojorquez, I., Los Huertos, M., & Bourgois, P. (2022). “Deported, homeless, and into the canal: Environmental structural violence in the binational Tijuana River.” Social Science & Medicine. 305, 115044.
Azevedo K., Kalvesmaki AF, Riendeau R.,Sweet PA, Holmes SM. (2022). “Leveraging Anthropology to Address the COVID-19 Global Mental Health Syndemic.” American Anthropologist. In Press.
Hart LK., and Holmes SM. (2022) “Visibility, Invisibility and Solidarity: Sandrine Musso’s Legacy on Migration, Health and Social Difference” Anthropologie et Santé.
Martinez C, Carruth L, Janeway H, Quesada J, Holmes SM. (2022). “How Should Clinicians Express Solidarity WIth Asylum Seekers at the US-Mexico Border?” AMA Journal of Ethics. 24(4):E275-282. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2022.275.
Touzani R., Schultz E., Holmes SM., Vandentorren S., Arwidson P., Guillemin F., Rey D., Rouquette A., Bouhnik AD., Mancini J. (2021). “Early Acceptability of a Mobile App for Contact Tracing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: National Web-Based Survey.” JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. doi: 10.2196/27768
Schultz, É., Ward, J. K., Atlani-Duault, L., Holmes, S. M., & Mancini, J. (2021). “French Public Familiarity and Attitudes toward Clinical Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2611. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Whitacre, R., Oni-Orisan, A., Gaber, N., Martinez, C., Buchbinder, L., Herd, D., & Holmes, S. M. (2021). “COVID-19 and the political geography of racialisation: Ethnographic cases in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Detroit.” Global public health, 1–15. Advance online publication.
Mendenhall, E., Holmes, SM., Willen, S., Selim, N., Lopez, M., Chowdhury, S., & Dilger, H. (2021). “Introduction: Migration and Health in Social Context.” British Medical Journal Global Health, 6, 5108.
Holmes, SM., Castañeda, E., Geeraert, J., Castañeda, H., Probst, U., Zeldes, N., Willen, S., Dibba, Y., Frankfurter, R., Lie, A., Askjer, J., & Fjeld, H. (2021). Deservingness: Migration and health in social context. BMJ Global Health, 6, e005107.
Harvey M, Holmes SM, Neff J, Knight KR, et al. “Structural competency and global health education.” Global Public Health. 2020 Dec:1-22. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1864751.
Kelley RI, Ivey SL, Silver K, Holmes SM. “’If we don’t produce, bring another’: Work organization and tomato worker health.” Journal of Agromedicine. 2020. doi: 10.1080/1059924x.2020.1725698
Whitacre RP, Buchbinder LS, Holmes SM. “The Pandemic Present.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale. 2020. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12829
Shamasunder S, Holmes SM, Goronga T, Carrasco H, Katz E, Frankfurter R, Keshavjee S. “COVID-19 reveals weak health systems by design: Why we must re-make global health in this historic moment.” Global Public Health. 2020. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12829
Magaña Lopez M, Holmes SM. “Raids on Immigrant Communities During the Pandemic Threaten the Country’s Public Health.” American Journal of Public Health. 2020. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305704.
Holmes SM, Hansen H, Jenks A, Stonington S, Morse M, Greene J, Wailoo K, Marmot M, Farmer P. “Misdiagnosis, Mistreatment and Harm – When Medical Care Ignores Social Forces.” N Engl J Med. 2020. 382(1): 1083-1086.
Mason K, Willen S, Holmes SM, Herd D, Nichter M, Castañeda H, Hansen H. “How Do You Build a ‘Culture of Health’? A Critical Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities from Medical Anthropology.” Population Health Management. 2020. DOI: 10.1089/pop.2019.0179
Neff J, Holmes SM, Knight K, Harvey M, Lewis B, Strong S. “Structural Competency: Interprofessional Medical Education Responding to the Needs of Structurally Vulnerable Populations.” MedEdPortal. 2020. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10888.
Meierotto, L., Mares, T. and Holmes, SM. “Introduction to the symposium: Bienestar—the well-being of Latinx farmworkers in a time of change” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1):187-196.
Holmes, SM. “Migrant farmworker injury: temporality, statistical representation, eventfulness.” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1): 237-247.
Piñones, C, Quesada J & Holmes SM. “La vulnerabilidad estructural y las nuevas perspectivas en medicina social sobre la salud de los migrantes.” Salud Colectiva. 2019; 15:e2146.
Vonk L, Holmes SM. “Working to end farmworker oppression while listening to farmworkers and focusing on root causes in context.” Dialectical Anthropology. 2019; 43 (4), 393-396.
Carrasco H, Messac L, Holmes SM. “Misrecognition and Critical Consciousness — An 18-Month-Old Boy with Pneumonia and Chronic Malnutrition.” N Engl J Med. 2019. 380:2385-2389.
Hiam L, Gkianokakis N, Holmes SM, McKee M. “Overcoming the Barriers Migrants Face in Healthcare.” Public Health. 2019.172; 89-92.
Holmes SM. “Marking Pre-emptive Suspects: Migration, Bodies and Exclusion.” Latin American Perspectives. 2018.
Seymour CK, Griffin C, Holmes SM, Martinez, C. “Structural Differential — A 32-Year-Old Man with Persistent Wrist Pain.” N Engl J Med 2018; 379:2385-2388.
Stonington, S, Holmes SM, Hansen H, Greene J, Wailoo K, Roberts D, Marmot M, Farmer P. “Case Studies in Social Medicine – attending to structural forces in clinical practice.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2018; 379:1083-1086.
Selim, N, Abdullah M, Al Loulou L, Holmes SM, Ibiss M.* “Coming Together in Refugee Work: Experiment and Collaboration in Berlin.” Anthropology in Action. 2018. No. 3; 34-44. *Equal authorship, listed in alphabetical order.
Gamlin J, Holmes SM. “Preventable perinatal deaths in Indigenous Wixárika communities: an ethnographic study of pregnancy, childbirth and structural violence.” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2018. 18:243.
Neff J, Knight K, Satterwhite S, Nelson N, Matthews J, Holmes SM. “Teaching Structure: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Structural Competency Training for Resident Physicians.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2017; 32:430-433.
Holmes SM, Karlin J, Stonington S, Gottheil D. “The First National Survey of MD/PhDs in the Social Sciences and Humanities.” BMC Medical Education. 2017.
Bourgois P, Holmes SM, Sue K, Quesada J. “Structural Vulnerability: Operationalizing the Concept to Address Health Disparities in Clinical Care." Academic Medicine. 2017; 92(3):299-307.
Holmes SM, Castaneda H. “The European Refugee Crisis: Difference, Deservingness, Life and Death.” American Ethnologist.2016; 43(1):1-13.
*Castaneda H., *Holmes SM, *Kallius A, *Monterescu D. “Anthropology and Human Displacement: Mobilities, Ex/Inclusions and Activism.” American Ethnologist. 2016. *Equal authorship, listed alphabetically.
Castaneda H*, Holmes SM*, Beyeler N, Madrigal D, Young M, Quesada J. “Immigration as a Social Determinant of Health.” Annual Review of Public Health. 2015; 36: 375-392. *Co-first authors.
Holmes SM, Green, J, Stonington S. “Locating Global Health in Social Medicine.” Global Public Health. 2014: 13:9(5):475-80.
Holmes SM. “Is It Worth Risking Your Life?: Ethnography, Risk and Death on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Social Science & Medicine. 2013; 99: 153-161.
Hansen H, Holmes SM, and Lindemann D, eds. “Ethnography of Health for Social Change: Impact on Public Policy and Perception.” Social Science & Medicine. 2013; 99:116-8.
Martin E, Litchfield G, Parvez F, Lindemann D, Holmes SM, Hansen H. “Enhancing the Public Impact of Ethnography.” Social Science & Medicine. 2013; 99:205-8.
Holmes SM. "The Clinical Gaze in the Practice of Migrant Health: Mexican Migrants in the United States." Social Science & Medicine. 2012; 74(6) : 873-881.
Holmes SM. "Structural Vulnerability and Hierarchies of Ethnicity and Citizenship on the Farm." Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):425-49.
Holmes SM. "Anthropology and Its Contact Zones." Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. 2011; 100(1):5-7.
Holmes SM, Jenks AC, Stonington S. "Clinical subjectivation: anthropologies of contemporary biomedical training." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 2011; 35(2):105-12.
Holmes SM and Ponte M. "En-case-ing the Patient: Disciplining Uncertainty in Medical Student Patient Presentations." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 2011; 35(2):163-82.
Holmes SM. "Oaxacans Like to Work Bent Over: The Naturalization of Social Suffering Among Berry Farm Workers." International Migration. 2007; 45(3):39-68.
Rudolf Vichow Award for Critical Anthropology of Global Health, Society for Medical Anthropology (2007)
Holmes SM. "Parce qu'ils sont plus pres sol: L'invisibilisation de la souffrance sociale des cueilleurs de baies." Actes de Recherche en Sciences Sociales. 2006; 165(2):28-51.
Holmes SM. "An Ethnographic Study of the Social Context of Migrant Health in the United States." Public Library of Science Medicine. 2006; 3(10):e448.
Holtz T, Holmes SM, Stonington S, Eisenberg L. "Health is Still Social: Contemporary Examples in the Age of the Genome." Public Library of Science Medicine. 2006; 3(10):e419.
Stonington S, Holmes SM. "Social Medicine in the Twenty-First Century." Public Library of Science Medicine. 2006; 3(20):e455.
Book Chapters
San Juanita García, Tomás R. Jiménez, Holmes SM, Irena Kogan, Anders Vassenden, Lawrence H. Yang, and Min Zhou. (2024.) “Migration, Stigma, and Lived Experiences: A Conceptual Framework for Centering Lived Experiences.” In: Migration Stigma: Understanding Prejudice, Discrimination, and Exclusion, ed L.H. Yang, M.A. Eger, B.G. Link. The MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
Heide Castañeda and Holmes SM. (2024.) “The Lived Experience of Stigma among Immigrant Youth.” In: Migration Stigma: Understanding Prejudice, Discrimination, and Exclusion, ed L.H. Yang, M.A. Eger, B.G. Link. The MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
Holmes SM. (2024.) “New Epilogue for the French Edition.” In Fruits frais, corps brisés: Les travailleurs agricoles migrants aux États-Unis. CNRS Editions. Paris, France.
Holmes SM and Ramirez-Lopez, J. (2023.) “We Put the Food on Your Tables: Triqui Farmworkers Working for Social Change.” In Second Edition Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers In the United States. In Press. University of California Press. Oakland, CA.
Holmes SM. (2023.) “Preface for the Second Edition.” In Second Edition Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers In the United States. University of California Press. Oakland, CA.
Martinez, C., Talavera, C., Magaña Lopez, M., & Holmes, S. M. (2021). “Anthropology of inequality & precarity.” In SAGE Handbook for Cultural Anthropology, edited by Lene Pedersen and Lisa Cliggett, pp. 447-465. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publishing.
Holmes SM. (2020.) “Commodification and Resistance: Asylum for Sale and Alternative Futures.” Asylum for Sale: Profit and Protest in the Migration Industry. Siobhán McGuirk and Adrienne Pine, Eds. PM Press.
Martinez C, Holmes SM. (2019.) “Health and Social Stratification.” Oxford Bibliography of Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson.
Neff J, Holmes SM, Strong S, Chin G, De Avila J, Dubal S, Duncan L, Halpern J, Harvey M, Knight K, Lemay E, Lewis B, Mathews J, Nelson N, Satterwhite S, Thompson-Lastad A, Walkover L. (2019.) “The Structural Competency Working Group: Lessons from Iterative Interdisciplinary Development of a Structural Competency Training Module.” In Structural Competency in Mental Health and Medicine. Eds. Hansen H., Metzl J. Springer Publishers.
Doggett T, Holmes SM. (2017.) “Food Labor Ethics.” In Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics. Budolfson M, Barnhill A, Doggett T Eds. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK.
Holmes SM, Castaneda H. “Ethnographic Methods in Migration and Health Research.” In Schenker M, Castaneda X., eds. Migration and Health Research Methodologies. University of California Press. 2014.
Book Reviews
Holmes SM, Rekhis M. (2024). “Book Review: The Worlds of Public Health: Anthropological Excursions. By Didier Fassin.” American Anthropologist.
Michaels, T.L., & Holmes, S.M. (2024). “Review of the book Landscapes of Care: Immigration and Health in Rural America, by Thurka Sangaramoorthy”. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 98(2), 335-337.
Ferrall J, Holmes SM. (2023.) “Bodies Symbolic, Affective and Politicized: Sacrificial Limbs by Salih Can Açiksöz.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Martinez C, Holmes SM. “They Leave Their Kidneys in the Fields: Illness, Injury and Illegality among U.S. Farmworkers by Sarah Bronwen Horton.” Anthropological Quarterly. 2018; 91(3): 1142-1145.
Harvey M, Holmes SM. “Blind Spot: How Neoliberalism Infiltrated Global Health by Salmaan Keshavjee.” Global Public Health. 2017; 12(1):132-134.
Holmes SM, Hales M. “Malignant: How Cancer Becomes Us by S. Lochlann Jain.” Speaking of Medicine, Public Library of Science Medicine. 2015.
Holmes SM. “Review of Pathologies of Power by Paul Farmer.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 2005; 48(1):153-6.
Holmes SM. “Review of Health Work with the Poor by Chris Kiefer.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. 2003; (1):88.
Holmes SM. “Review of Death Without Weeping by Nancy Scheper-Hughes.” Health Development. 2002, Oct; 4:10-2.
Holmes SM. “The Medicalization of Hunger: Review of Death Without Weeping by Nancy Scheper-Hughes.” Synapse. 2001, Mar.
Selected Other Publications
National Advisory Council on Migrant Health. 2024. “Spring: Bi-Annual Recommendations to The Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Health and Wellbeing of Seasonal and Migrant Farmworkers.” Spring 2024 Meeting, Maryland.
National Advisory Council on Migrant Health. 2023. “Fall: Bi-Annual Recommendations to The Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Health and Wellbeing of Seasonal and Migrant Farmworkers.” Fall 2023 Meeting, Maryland.
National Advisory Council on Migrant Health. 2023. “Spring: Bi-Annual Recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Health and Wellbeing of Seasonal and Migrant Farmworkers.” Spring 2023 Meeting, Florida.
Martinez, S, Holmes SM. “The New Normal: Sarait Martinez and Seth Holmes think coronavirus means we’ll finally appreciate our farmworkers.” June 30, 2021.
Holmes SM, Jenks A, Hansen H, Stonington S. “Iatrogenesis and Harm in COVID-19 – When Medical Care Ignores Social Forces.” British Medical Journal Opinion. January 26, 2021.
Holmes SM. “Farmworkers are Dying. Cases are Spiking. Our Food System is In Peril.” May 31, 2020.
Holmes SM. “As societies re-open in this pandemic, we need social solidarity to survive the summer.” British Medical Journal Opinion. April 30, 2020.
Chang V, Holmes SM. “US Food Workers Are In Danger. That Threatens All of Us.” The Guardian. April 14, 2020.
Cornelius WA, Holmes SM. “ICE Needs to Stand Down - For Everyone’s Good.” The Globe Post. April 7, 2020.
Magaña Lopez M, Holmes SM. “ICE Agents are Still Performing Raids – And Using Precious N95 Masks to Do So.” The Guardian. March 31, 2020.
Holmes SM, Buchbinder L. “In Defunded Health System, Doctors and Nurses Suffer Near Impossible Conditions.” March 29, 2020.
Holmes SM, Grubacic A. “Syrian Civil Society Must Be Defended.” The Hill. December 12, 2019.
Vonk, L, Fernandez F, Holmes SM. “Special Report: Scenes from the Migrant Caravan in Tijuana.” 2018.
Structural Competency Working Group. “Training Manual.” 2018.
Structural Competency Working Group. “Training Slides.” 2018.
Structural Competency Working Group. “Participant Handout.” 2018.
Structural Competency Working Group. “Video Introduction.” 2018.
Holmes SM, Berlin A, Fernandez F, Garcia D. “, Holmes SM. “Health Systems as Places of Sanctuary.” British Medical Journal. 2018.
Holmes, SM. “Discussing ‘Suffering Slot Anthropology’ with Migrant Farm Workers.” Anthropology News. 2016; 57(11-12):52-53.
Holmes SM, Castaneda H, Burrell J. “American Politicians’ Reactions to Refugees Echo Past Xenophobia: Which Side of History Do We Want to Be on?” November 11, 2015. Huffington Post.
Holmes, S.M. "Health Care and the Stalling of Immigration Reform." Huffington Post. January 8, 2014.
Holmes, S.M. “The danger of U.S. border control policy.” Access Denied. August 15, 2013.
Holmes, S.M. “Opinion: What we learn from the indigenous farmworkers strike in Washington.” El Hispanic News. August 1, 2013.
Holmes, S.M. “Not all migrants want to be immigrants.” Salon. July 6, 2013.
Holmes, S.M. “Border protection decision may increase border deaths.” New American Media. June 25, 2013.
Holmes SM, “Don’t Misrepresent the Triqui.” Monterey County Herald, 2009, Jan. 29.
Holmes SM, “Media Representations of Triqui Marriage Unjust.” Salinas Californian, 2009, Jan. 24.